The Divine Virtues of the Temptress

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This is for any simp who is overcome by my unearthly glory but can't explain why.

I enjoy goddess worship even more than I enjoy sub training. And in thinking about tasks and creative projects related to both fetishes, I find that describing my own virtues is helpful. If you truly want to praise me, you had better have something better to say that another iteration of "you're so pretty", which means you need to understand everything that makes me shine. And if I want to reshape desperate losers like you to ideal pets and servants, it helps to know just what traits I want them to develop as they come to reflect my own glorious will. In fact, I would love to take subs who embody the vices most antithetical to me, drill into their puny minds how broken they are, and then retrain them to reflect my own inner light.

The first and simplest virtue is curiosity. You may think this is just about wanting answers, but it's more than that. Curiosity can be a refusal to settle for ignorance, such as I experienced when I realized my self-understanding wasn't quite right. It can also be a process of falling in love, such as when I read about fungal networks and developed a new appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life. My curiosity comes with the discovery that something that was always in front of me as new depths of wonder and beauty. It's a matter of being alive to the mysteries of world around oneself. It's something I truly love about myself, and it's also why I like "small-minded" as an insult. Because to me that doesn't imply lack of intellect, but simply a deadening boredom, a determination to settle for a drab, simplified world. And it is an insult for anyone whose mind dwells in such a world to place an image of myself within it.

The second virtue is courage. It took courage for me to discover myself. It took courage for me to start my transformation. It took courage for me to greet my unhoused neighbors with food, and it took courage for me to find a grove near my bike path and experiment with spreading seeds and transplants. Every discovery requires courage to follow up on, and being a person who execrises autonomy and builds connections to the world around them requires even more. And cowardice is truly repulsive. I see it in complacency, in obedience to unjust and inadequat authority, in a refusal to grow and learn, and it disgusts me every time.

The third virtue is reciprocity. This isn't just about kindness, it's about responding with gratitude to a world that nurtured you, taught you, made a place for you. It's about honoring the ancestors who left legacies of love and defiance. It's about recognizing how much your own survival is interwined with that of earthworms in the ground beneath you. It's about looking all around and seeing neighbors and kin, and then acting appropriately. Compared to that, the sugar daddy who sends money in order to secure his own privilege is a selfish ingrate. Honestly, I'm amazed that I get to even live in a world with so many gorgeous, witty, playful women, and the fact that so many self-centered, mediocre men fail to appreciate that fact is reason enough for contempt.

I could probably keep going, but for now I'm going to stick with those three. How do you compare? How much education do you need? How many tasks and mantras do I need to assign you just for you to be worthy to even look at me?
