Sugar Love Featured in New AskMen Article, “Everything You Should Know about AI Porn

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High-flying OnlyFans star Sugar Love shares her thoughts on the future of adult entertainment in a brand-new article for, “Everything You Should Know about AI Porn”.

The story shares details of ‘5 worrying concerns about the prospect of AI porn gaining popularity”, with Love explaining that its spiritless nature strips away the artistic foundation of real porn. Computer-generating “takes away any personal touch and completely turns it into an automated Siri at best,” she says. “Even when AI is good enough to communicate with a human, do we want that? Do we as a society want to void all human connection?”
She adds that “AI is soulless and based on stolen images; this opens up the door for [situations where] they change one or two details on the AI to be different from the human it’s based on. In the future if this persists, I see a large bout of ‘identity’/content theft and turning your favorite porn stars into AI.”
To read the full AskMen article with Sugar Love, visit
To learn more about Sugar Love, visit
There’s a reason Sugar Love is sitting pretty as one of OnlyFans’ most popular (top 0.08%) content creators; the 5’9” Latina knockout with a personality (and sexual appetite) as big as her home state of Texas has amassed more than 6,000 subscribers by standing out as a Lone Star with genuine, relatable appeal.
Growing up extremely poor in a deeply religious family, the glamorous allure of the stage and spotlight was a tempting proposition for Love, but a faraway dream for a small-town girl in the Bible Belt. “I always knew there would be something different about me that would make me famous or stand out,” she says. “I graduated high school at 15, then went straight to college to earn a law degree while working 40-80+ hours a week in childcare, delivering groceries and a family-based marketing job.”
On Love’s 18th birthday, she posted her very first OnlyFans content, and she’s been committed to the platform since May 2021. In two short years she has purchased her own property - a 20-acre farm filled with rescue animals (five dogs and two cats), as well as her own ‘porn house’ filled with extravagances such as a three-foot dildo named Moby Dick, to shoot her jaw-dropping scenes for fans.
Motivated by a desire for autonomy and the potential to create a successful lifestyle for herself and her family, Love has turned her dreams into reality, and the busy model now owns two lucrative businesses alongside her OnlyFans gig. “Growing up never even able to help myself, much less anyone else, online content creation has been a gift. I never imagined it possible to own my own farm at 20 years old, much less four cars, be able to help others, raise a bunch of dogs and travel. And the ride is only just beginning!”