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🔥My latest Dirk Hooper's Gallery article is inside Darkside issue #54 - Out Now!

Get your copy here: https://www.darksidemagazine.com/

#fetish #femdom #photography #dirkhooper


I'm currently working on a custom erotic audio, making someone into a #sissy Husband! it's a lot of work but so much fun! Have you ever bought or commissioned an erotic audio or story?

Tell me about how it went! Did you supply the script? Give your "hot buttons and allow the artist to do their thing. How was the final product? I'm proud to share a response I just received last week from a happy customer:
Here's what I think:

You're an artist. How you took the raw material you were given and turned it into THAT, is incredible to me. Listening to it for the first time just about ended me. When I emailed Ms. Hunter* and she told me she wasn't able to record custom content right now, she suggested you and said, "You won't be disappointed."

Truer words were never spoken (or, you know, typed).


* Ms Hunter is another Enchantrix Mistress who was very busy and couldn't take on another project (at that time) so she referred him to me! Being among such talented and supportive women is one of the reasons LDW/Enchantrix is the best for PSO's in this biz!


Jennie PinXsters поделился Заметка  
39 ш

This is from a recent photoshoot that I did with Lord God Atalacia!

#fetish #femdom #photography #dirkhooper

39 ш

This is from a recent photoshoot that I did with Lord God Atalacia!

More on my site: www.DirkHooper.com

#fetish #femdom #photography #dirkhooper

PinXsters Updates поделился Заметка  
39 ш

Currently updating ai features.

Have to take offline until further notice.

This will be back soon!

#ai #update #features #pinxsters

39 ш

Currently updating ai features.

Have to take offline until further notice.

This will be back soon!

#ai #update #features

This is from a recent photoshoot that I did with Lord God Atalacia!

More on my site: www.DirkHooper.com

#fetish #femdom #photography #dirkhooper


Currently updating ai features.

Have to take offline until further notice.

This will be back soon!

#ai #update #features

Enjoy a sample of what we do for our clients....

Come visit us... register (it's FREE!)... become a member...


Wessy Lewis поделился Заметка  
39 ш

39 ш

Has this ever happened to you?
You don’t realize how stressful something was until you STOPPED doing/being around that situation?
Since coming to pinxsters I realized something about twitter (and all the other social media sites).
I used them but always felt an undercurrent of nervousness – if I put a ton of time into building a following will it get taken away, why am I shadowbanned, oh I probably shouldn’t say that, ohhhh better not share ‘that’ image/post, etc.
I didn’t realize how loud those concerns had become until coming here.
Thank you so much Jennie PinXsters Coralyn Jewel
and others I'm sure I'm missing.
