How to Add Audio to Google Slides: An Easy Guide

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In this guide, we will walk you through the process of How to Add Audio to Google Slides.

Google Slides is a powerful tool for creating engaging presentations; adding audio can take your slides to the next level. You can enhance your presentation by incorporating audio with narration, music, sound effects, or even recorded interviews. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of How to Add Audio to Google Slides.

How to Add Audio to Google Slides:

Step 1: Open Your Google Slides Presentation

To begin, open the Google Slides presentation to which you want to add audio. Ensure you are signed in to your Google account and have the presentation file ready.

Step 2: Insert a New Slide

Navigate to the slide where you want to add audio or insert a new slide where you want the audio to play. Click on the slide where you want the audio to start.

Step 3: Insert Audio

To add audio to your slide, go to the top menu and select "Insert" > "Audio." A window will pop up, allowing you to choose the audio file you want to insert. You can upload an audio file from your computer or select one from your Google Drive.

Step 4: Adjust Audio Settings

Once you have selected the audio file, you can adjust the settings for how the audio will play. You can play the audio automatically when the slide is opened or manually by clicking on it. You can also set the audio to loop if you want it to play continuously.

Step 5: Position and Resize the Audio Icon

After you have adjusted the settings, an audio icon will appear on your slide. You can click and drag the icon to position it where you want on the slide. You can also resize the icon by clicking and dragging the corners.

Step 6: Preview and Test the Audio

Before finalizing your presentation, previewing and testing the audio to ensure it plays correctly is important. Click the "Present" button in the top right corner to enter presentation mode and test the audio on the slide where you added it.

Step 7: Share Your Presentation

Once you have added audio to your Google Slides presentation and tested it, you can share it with others. Click the "Share" button in the top right corner to generate a shareable link or invite collaborators to view or edit the presentation.

Tips for Adding Audio to Google Slides

- Use high-quality audio files for better sound quality.

- Test the audio on different devices to ensure compatibility.

- Consider using audio strategically to enhance your presentation, not overwhelm it.

- Be mindful of copyright laws when using music or other audio content in your presentation.


Adding audio to your Google Slides presentation can make your slides more dynamic and engaging for your audience. Following the steps outlined in this guide on How to Add Audio to Google Slides, you can easily incorporate audio into your presentations and create a more immersive experience for your viewers. Experiment with different types of audio to see how they enhance your message and captivate your audience. Start adding audio to your Google Slides today and take your presentations to the next level!
