Come enjoy our in-person munch in May 2024. We look forward to spending time with our long-term family and our newest friends
Munch Highlights
Socializing: Everyone is welcome to join us ... we are quite a friendly group and happy to meet new folks!
Icebreaker Game: We usually play a game or activity to break the ice. Our games are always fun, and the winner(s) have a chance to take home a fun prize. All games are optional, of course.
Restaurant Details
Capital Crave is a sports bar and lounge with original pizza, subs, sandwiches, homemade pastas, fresh salads, gourmet wings, and a full bar with rail drinks every day.
The atmosphere is low-key and informal. Come as you are, enjoy an affordable dinner, or just sit and talk while enjoying an appetizer or beverage if you are on a tight budget/not hungry.
Our Studio group is usually quite visible. We push the indoor tables together in the back area to create a long rpw. There are also booths around the perimeter if you are more comfortable in a small group of your own friends.
You can join us at any time during the munch, and stay for however long you wish. However, the earlier you arrive, the better chance you have for interactions with fellow munch attendees before everyone sits down to order/eat.
If you have never been to a munch, here is a FAQ: Munches or Socials that we've prepared.
Capital Crave has an outdoor deck for anyone who prefers to spend time outside during our munch (weather permitting). It is the ONLY place where you can smoke.
Please be nice to our terrific waiters and food runners, and tip generously to thank them for being our venue hosts for many years.
For additional information and to RSVP, find our event on Fetlife at